Issues and Resources for Feminist Law Reform in a time of COVID-19
It is increasingly evident that COVID-19 is having a disproportionately negative impact on women, and particularly women experiencing multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, as well as on members of other disadvantaged groups within Canadian society. For instance, the vast majority of COVID-19 related deaths in Canada have occurred in long-term care homes, where over two-thirds of residents are women and 90% of paid staff are women, often black and racialized women who experience precarious or unsafe working conditions. In Montreal for example, 80% of workers in long term care facilities are racialized women. Not surprisingly, the pandemic has exacerbated problems of violence, inadequate access to income support, child care, housing, health and social services, racism and other forms of systemic inequality that pre-date the COVID-19 pandemic.
The following are a list of issues and resources of particular interest in the context of COVID-19 and in the current feminist law reform climate.
Systemic Discrimination and the Impact of COVID-19
Letter sent by NAWL to the Prime Minister from women’s rights and equality seeking groups on feminist policy making in the context of COVID-19
Systemic Discrimination in Government Services and Programs andIts Impact on First Nations Peoples During the COVID-19 Pandemic
in Colleen M Flood et al, eds, Vulnerable: The Law, Policy and Ethics of COVID-19 (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2020) 381-392.
Not All in This Together: Disability Rights and COVID-19
in Colleen M Flood et al, eds, Vulnerable: The Law, Policy and Ethics of COVID-19 (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2020) 419-432.
Spread of Anti-Asian Racism: Prevention and Critical Race Analysis in Pandemic
in Colleen M Flood et al, eds, Vulnerable: The Law, Policy and Ethics of COVID-19 (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2020) 393-406.
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